Rare Books Investing
Identifying whether or not a book holds any value is tricky, but there are certain things that you can look out for to help you in identifying whether or not the books you hold are going to land you in a gold-mine or not. Investing in rare books is not as straight forward as most people may think, and not all books are valuable – there is, of course, a certain knack attached to understanding where the value lies within literature and in literary collections.
So…are rare books a good investment? Well, collecting books is primarily undertaken for pleasure, but there are some lucrative investments to be made if you know what to look out for. From first editions to limited runs and signed copies, collecting rare books can become a fascinating hobby. There may be a box of books in the attic with treasure hidden within, but how do you know which are worth less than the paper they’re printed on?
For novice investors that consider investing in rare books, it may seem like a good idea to consider every old or rare book as an investment opportunity, whether they’re from online auctions or second-hand shops. However, a collection of rare books will be worth more as an investment if it has a focus or a theme. An entire collection of the Bronte sisters’ books will be a better investment than a few single books from various series. Likewise, an entire collection of herbals from the nineteenth century would be of particular interest to certain collectors at auction, so specializing can be a way to make your investment in rare books really pay off.
When you have an idea of which rare books you want to buy as an investment, we can advise you on which edition is the most valuable. You may expect that first edition books are always a good investment, but actually, later editions can be surprisingly sought after, especially if they contain additional illustrations or amendments. The first edition of William Camden’s Britannia can fetch up to £1,000, but a later edition with maps can be worth up to ten times that amount. Research is essential.
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